1. Do not spam outside the channel. The exception for spamming is in #spam. (mute)
2. Do not advertise outside of #advertise. This goes especially for other channels such as the Crazy Error and Sparta Remix categories. If you need roles to access them, go to #roles and click on a role you may need.
3. No NSFW or obscene content. This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other graphically disturbing content.
5. Do not disrespect the staff.
6. Do not start any type of drama on the server. You can take it in DMs. Refusing to take it in DMs results in a timeout from the admins.
7. Do not just kick or ban people because you hate them. This applies to mods and doing so will give you a warning.
8. Do not raid this server. You will be automatically banned.
9. Do not use racial slurs, or any slur that is offensive. (It is fine if you can reclaim it)
10. Do not abuse @everyone or @here in any other kind of way. (mute)
11. Do not minimod please. Our mods will handle it.
12. No malicious/inappropriate sites! (ban)
13. Respect Discord Terms of Service and Guidelines.